SMARTSPECTOR artificial perception engineering
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Applications :: Road Safety   |  Traffic Management   |  Vehicle Identification

Traffic management - Consolidation of passage-data across locations

Unlike common traffic detectors, Smartspector AuroraTM is capable of providing pictorial passage data as a solid piece of evidence and to determine the identity of a vehicle by means of number plate recognition.

Smartspector AuroraTM cameras can be configured to derive an anonymous, yet unambiguous signature for each passage.

By applying Smartspector IanusTM technology, sophisticated measures inside the camera device eliminate conceptual insufficiencies of prior state-of-the-art video systems. The visibility and availability of personal data can be restricted in a precisely application specific manner.

These capabilities allow for setting up a decentralized sensor network being capable to continuously determine the real flow of traffic:

  • Optimized traffic management and navigation systems rely on actual, up-to-date traveling times.
  • Complete traffic flow analysis significantly raise the reliability of traffic models
  • The use of AuroraTM technology enables a highly efficient determination of travel time and related speed enforcement ('Average speed enforcement', 'section-control'), due to Smartspector IanusTM Technology with a significant improvement in privacy protection, compared to conventional approaches.